Friday, October 26, 2012

Bitstripsforschools comic

Alice and I made a comic by using bitstripsforschools program.It is about problem that students are unused to cognitive strangeness.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Intercultural Experience



  • o It's my first travel to abroad and it's an exciting experience to be here in Denmark.I'm having so much fun by knowing other cultures.People are so relaxed and free ,this makes me feel free,too.

  • oActually I haven't feel homesick yet. People are friendly and welcoming to others.They are care about you and interested in your problems .

  • o There are much more Turkish people here than I thought. We went to the bank to open a new account and we had difficulty in expressing our problem just for a second then the woman spoke turkish suddenly. We were shocked but it was also good that our problem solved.


  • o In daily life almost eveyone knows enough english to express themselves and helps you.If you ask for help ,they will do their best. It’s important to make students feel comfortable and teach affectively in school life.There is a positive classrom atmosphere which reflects both quality of learning and affective teaching.Every student must be relaxed, feel safe and important in the class in order to facilitate learning.

  • o Bikes are important in daily life and you can find bicycle lane almost everywhere.There is nothing about the street design that can bother you when you ride a bicycle.

  • o When you walk on the street,people usually greet you without knowing you by saying “Hi”. It's a bit strange but at the same time so nice when it's compared with my country.


  • o So far I haven't had any problem about different cultures and I hope I won't have :)