Sunday, November 18, 2012

An Intercultural Research for Democratic Citizenship

An interview with our teacher in my teaching experience :

- Do you think your class is multicultural? Why?
+ Yes, because in my class there are students from different countries (students from Poland, Hungary and also Iraq) and also among Danish students there is a lot of different cultures

- What are you doing for your students to feel good in your class? (Concerning intercultural students)
+ Polish girl - knows a little of Danish language, comes from strict catholic school and I think, she does not want to be here, we tried to solve it with her parents, school psychologists. It is her second year here and the first year class really tried hard to involve her, but the more she refused them, the less they tried.
+ Other students are well integrated,
without any bigger problems

- W
hat do you think is the hardest thing to deal with for your intercultural students?

- D
o you think it is different to teach culture in multicultural class and in class with only Danish students?
+ I
t is easier in multicultural classes, because there is more points of view and you can make a better discussion; if it is class only from Danish students, they are very narrow minded (they are young, so they do not have such experience and Danish culture is the only thing they knew)
+ B
igger cities, there is more cultures then in smaller cities like here, in Vordingborg

- H
ow do you teach democratic citizenship in your classes? (Education for democracy and citizenship)
+ I try to find examples children understand and interest them, we also speak about democracy in history lessons
When we are making rules of class, we discuss about it -> I always want every student to speak and to be heard

- D
o you think, it is necessary to teach democratic citizenship?
+ Yes, It is important for students to know how great country they have and that it does not come free - they have to work for it. I want them to appreciate it and to try to keep it alive.

; I teach children different culture in order to teach them how to be toler
ant, to respect other people
; I
t is important to see your students regularly, so you can be sure that they are happy in school
; B
e sure, that every children is heard
; I
f there is any problem (behaviour problems, bullying) we cooperate with police, psychologists and other institutions working with children

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