Monday, May 13, 2013

Educational Studies

The Class

There was different kind of students in the movie. Teacher had different techniques to deal with the variety in the class. He was trying to make jokes to motivate the students and trying to care about the level of the students when he and another teacher were talking about the book they have to choose for the lesson. When the students didn’t like something in the lesson, he was asking for their suggestion. He was trying to motivate students by encouraging them in the thing they are interested instead of punishing. Nevertheless, he was sarcastic to the students occasionally, which could decrease the motivation of the students. He was also not impatient enough with the students. He was rude to the students instead of keeping calm when the students were rude to him. 
The students were teenagers which was a challenge for the teacher. The students think that they are mature enough to do whatever they want. The second challenge was they had different backgrounds because of it was difficult for students to understand each other.

I would like to relate the movie to the group work. Students were studying individually during the class. They didn’t have any group task and activity. A group task could be good to make them to know each other as there were new students in the class in the beginning of the semester. Also, they could understand each other better, if they would have to work together and see view point of the others. However, the organization of the tables was in pairs and this can lead students to work in pairs. Sometimes they were asking to each other about the things they didn’t know so it was a good way of learning. They also could learn from each other in this way.

I also would like to focus on Esmeralda. She was a teenager who has her own opinion. She was hardly affected by the others but she also was so passionate on her opinion. I would like to relate her behaviours to the identity. There were a lot of different identities in the class. Each of the students had different identities. One of the students named Arthur was trying to defence himself against to criticism about his appearance. Arthur had a different personal identity and Esmeralda was insulting him because of his personal identity. The same happened with Wei, he said Austrian as a word that he couldn’t understand and Esmeralda insist on the common knowledge of the word Austrian. It was a negative attitude to his personal identity, again. Our communicative interactions help us to establish an identity. It can change in many ways during our whole life. Esmeralda’s opinion about the others was a criticism about their identities and she was not aware of the varieties of identity. She was thinking her identity is the only one and she usually didn’t respect the others. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Educational Studies


We created a timeline of  events in our life that shapes our identity. We decided our Personal, Relational, Communal identities. You can see them in the following link and one of my friends tried to analyse my learning style. She thought that I'm a Theorists which means:

  Who tends to be more analytical and detached rather tahn subjective and emotive in their thinking and prefer a structured situation with a clear purpose, but learn less well when they have to do things without knowing the principles or concepts involved.

On the other hand, I think my learning style can be a mix of theorist and activist. I like to learn by the principles and conceps but I also like to be in new experiences and ideas, problem and oppotunities. This was an activity that gave us the opportunity to think about the identity , our own identity and learning style. The important events shaped our identity .

Deep Learning & Surface Learning

Deep learning:

*Students take an active approach.
*More successful in exams. 
*Easier to solve surface questions. 
*Aim is to increase the motivation .
*Relates the old information to the new one. 

Surface Learning:

 *Information memorized for the exams.
*Focus is on the right answer.
*Students take a passive approach. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Educational Studies


  • Identity is something that is not static à
  • Environment, culture, personal experience can affect your identity.
  • It is multiple: it has so many aspects – student, daughter, citizen, female, supporter...
  • Your personality changes according to your role in situation .
  • As teachers the identity helps us to understand that every child reacts differently.  

  • Identity is a social construction: the people who are around us affect how we act.
  • There are lots of categories; gender,cyber and fantasy, organizational,regional, national,ethnic,racial, personal, communal, relational and so on... 

How do we learn?

We learn by the way of à

  • Interest,
  • Wonder,

  • Doing,
  • Research,
  • Discovering,
  • Understanding.

What is learning?

  • Gaining new knowledge,
  • It can happen when you wonder something,
  • Applying something new,
  • Explain ,
  •  Mastering ,
  •  Remembering ,
  • Making sense. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Educational Studies 2

Subject: English and Environment

Age / Grade: 13-14/7-8

Aims :

  • Ability to use the knowledge in the target language.
  • To be able to understand and appreciate other cultures and others’ cultural view of the world.
  • Students will be able to view cultural values.
  • Ability to think critically and discuss in the target language by using a cultural perspective. 
  • To be able to understand each other and work collaboratively.

Every student will choose a picture from their culture and prepare a little explanation of the picture in English. The teacher will form some groups of five to six members. Then the students discuss the pictures of the new knowledge and choose the most interesting one. The whole group write a presentation of the picture and present it to class.

We choose the group investigation approach to combine English and Environment. The students can make a written and oral presentation. Teacher can help the students and observe them. The teacher is a guide for the students and students are more active in this approach. The students work in groups which is helpful to share their knowledge. They can have cooperation in complex groups.

Made by Arda Işık and Jsabel Mühlheim