Friday, May 3, 2013

Educational Studies


We created a timeline of  events in our life that shapes our identity. We decided our Personal, Relational, Communal identities. You can see them in the following link and one of my friends tried to analyse my learning style. She thought that I'm a Theorists which means:

  Who tends to be more analytical and detached rather tahn subjective and emotive in their thinking and prefer a structured situation with a clear purpose, but learn less well when they have to do things without knowing the principles or concepts involved.

On the other hand, I think my learning style can be a mix of theorist and activist. I like to learn by the principles and conceps but I also like to be in new experiences and ideas, problem and oppotunities. This was an activity that gave us the opportunity to think about the identity , our own identity and learning style. The important events shaped our identity .

Deep Learning & Surface Learning

Deep learning:

*Students take an active approach.
*More successful in exams. 
*Easier to solve surface questions. 
*Aim is to increase the motivation .
*Relates the old information to the new one. 

Surface Learning:

 *Information memorized for the exams.
*Focus is on the right answer.
*Students take a passive approach. 

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