Monday, May 13, 2013

Educational Studies

The Class

There was different kind of students in the movie. Teacher had different techniques to deal with the variety in the class. He was trying to make jokes to motivate the students and trying to care about the level of the students when he and another teacher were talking about the book they have to choose for the lesson. When the students didn’t like something in the lesson, he was asking for their suggestion. He was trying to motivate students by encouraging them in the thing they are interested instead of punishing. Nevertheless, he was sarcastic to the students occasionally, which could decrease the motivation of the students. He was also not impatient enough with the students. He was rude to the students instead of keeping calm when the students were rude to him. 
The students were teenagers which was a challenge for the teacher. The students think that they are mature enough to do whatever they want. The second challenge was they had different backgrounds because of it was difficult for students to understand each other.

I would like to relate the movie to the group work. Students were studying individually during the class. They didn’t have any group task and activity. A group task could be good to make them to know each other as there were new students in the class in the beginning of the semester. Also, they could understand each other better, if they would have to work together and see view point of the others. However, the organization of the tables was in pairs and this can lead students to work in pairs. Sometimes they were asking to each other about the things they didn’t know so it was a good way of learning. They also could learn from each other in this way.

I also would like to focus on Esmeralda. She was a teenager who has her own opinion. She was hardly affected by the others but she also was so passionate on her opinion. I would like to relate her behaviours to the identity. There were a lot of different identities in the class. Each of the students had different identities. One of the students named Arthur was trying to defence himself against to criticism about his appearance. Arthur had a different personal identity and Esmeralda was insulting him because of his personal identity. The same happened with Wei, he said Austrian as a word that he couldn’t understand and Esmeralda insist on the common knowledge of the word Austrian. It was a negative attitude to his personal identity, again. Our communicative interactions help us to establish an identity. It can change in many ways during our whole life. Esmeralda’s opinion about the others was a criticism about their identities and she was not aware of the varieties of identity. She was thinking her identity is the only one and she usually didn’t respect the others. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Educational Studies


We created a timeline of  events in our life that shapes our identity. We decided our Personal, Relational, Communal identities. You can see them in the following link and one of my friends tried to analyse my learning style. She thought that I'm a Theorists which means:

  Who tends to be more analytical and detached rather tahn subjective and emotive in their thinking and prefer a structured situation with a clear purpose, but learn less well when they have to do things without knowing the principles or concepts involved.

On the other hand, I think my learning style can be a mix of theorist and activist. I like to learn by the principles and conceps but I also like to be in new experiences and ideas, problem and oppotunities. This was an activity that gave us the opportunity to think about the identity , our own identity and learning style. The important events shaped our identity .

Deep Learning & Surface Learning

Deep learning:

*Students take an active approach.
*More successful in exams. 
*Easier to solve surface questions. 
*Aim is to increase the motivation .
*Relates the old information to the new one. 

Surface Learning:

 *Information memorized for the exams.
*Focus is on the right answer.
*Students take a passive approach. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Educational Studies


  • Identity is something that is not static à
  • Environment, culture, personal experience can affect your identity.
  • It is multiple: it has so many aspects – student, daughter, citizen, female, supporter...
  • Your personality changes according to your role in situation .
  • As teachers the identity helps us to understand that every child reacts differently.  

  • Identity is a social construction: the people who are around us affect how we act.
  • There are lots of categories; gender,cyber and fantasy, organizational,regional, national,ethnic,racial, personal, communal, relational and so on... 

How do we learn?

We learn by the way of à

  • Interest,
  • Wonder,

  • Doing,
  • Research,
  • Discovering,
  • Understanding.

What is learning?

  • Gaining new knowledge,
  • It can happen when you wonder something,
  • Applying something new,
  • Explain ,
  •  Mastering ,
  •  Remembering ,
  • Making sense. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Educational Studies 2

Subject: English and Environment

Age / Grade: 13-14/7-8

Aims :

  • Ability to use the knowledge in the target language.
  • To be able to understand and appreciate other cultures and others’ cultural view of the world.
  • Students will be able to view cultural values.
  • Ability to think critically and discuss in the target language by using a cultural perspective. 
  • To be able to understand each other and work collaboratively.

Every student will choose a picture from their culture and prepare a little explanation of the picture in English. The teacher will form some groups of five to six members. Then the students discuss the pictures of the new knowledge and choose the most interesting one. The whole group write a presentation of the picture and present it to class.

We choose the group investigation approach to combine English and Environment. The students can make a written and oral presentation. Teacher can help the students and observe them. The teacher is a guide for the students and students are more active in this approach. The students work in groups which is helpful to share their knowledge. They can have cooperation in complex groups.

Made by Arda Işık and Jsabel Mühlheim

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Democratic Citizenship

Here is an example of Turkish fairy tale:

Bald Boy and the Magic Seal

Bald Boy and the Magic Seal

One day, Bald Boy was walking back from the marketplace after selling his crops to the people of the neighbouring village. He had made three gold coins that day and was very pleased with himself because now his mother would be able to buy food and clothing to last through the long winter.
Suddenly Bald Boy came across a group of men who were teasing a cat with a long stick. The cat looked very scared and was unable to escape. Bald Boy walked up to the men and said in a kindly voice: ‘Please stop teasing that poor cat. If you stop, I will give you a gold coin.’
The men agreed to put down the stick and Bald Boy handed over a shiny gold coin. The cat was very grateful to the boy and walked by his side. He promised that if ever he was able to repay the boy’s kindness, he would surely jump at the chance. Bald Boy could not imagine how a cat might help him in his life, but he agreed that the cat could join him, and so the two friends continued on their journey back to the boy’s home in the neighbouring village.
The boy and the cat walked for a few miles until they came across an old man and an old woman who were beating a dog because it had been barking too loudly. Bald Boy approached the old couple and said in a kindly voice: ‘Please stop beating that poor dog. If you stop, I will give you a gold coin.’
The old couple stopped beating the dog and took the gold coin from the boy. The dog was very grateful to the boy for saving him from the old couple, and he asked to join the boy and promised that he would always be faithful and help whenever he could. The young boy could not imagine how a dog might help him in his life, but he agreed that the dog could join him, and so the three friends continued on their journey home.
Not long after this, Bald Boy and his new companions stumbled upon two woodcutters in the forest who were trying to kill a snake with their sharp axe. Bald Boy walked up to the angry woodcutters and said in a kindly voice: ‘Please do not kill that snake with your axe. If you leave the snake in peace, I will give you a gold coin.’
The woodcutters thought about Bald Boy’s proposition for a moment and then agreed to put down the axe. The boy handed over his last gold coin without thinking because he was happy to have saved the snake from certain death.
The snake was very grateful and slithered up to whisper in the boy’s ear.
‘Thank you, Son of Adam, for saving my life. I am the son of the Snake Emperor and you must come home with me so that my father might thank you in person for your kindness.’
Even though Bald Boy had no more gold coins to buy food, he was happy to have saved his three friends and agreed to go and see the Snake Emperor before returning home to his mother.
When they arrived in the forest, the Snake Emperor was very grateful to Bald Boy for saving his son’s life.
‘I will give you anything that you ask of me,’ said the Snake Emperor to the boy.
It was then that the young snake whispered in the boy’s ear once more.
‘Ask my father for his magic seal which he keeps under his tongue. With this seal all of your wishes will come true. All you have to do is ask and it will be given.’
And so the boy asked the Snake Emperor for his magic seal, and the Snake Emperor replied: ‘You ask me for my most precious possession, but you saved my son’s life and I will grant you what you ask.’
The Snake Emperor relinquished his magic seal and Bald Boy stuffed the seal into his pocket and returned home with his faithful cat and faithful dog by his side.
When Bald Boy’s mother learned that her son had given away all of their gold coins she was very angry, but the boy promised that he would make up for this loss by marrying the Emperor’s daughter and making a new life for his mother.
‘And how will you do that, my son? This cat and this dog will not help you do such a thing.’
It was then that Bald Boy told his mother all about the magic seal that would grant his every wish.
The very next day, Bald Boy set off with his faithful cat and dog to the palace to ask for the hand of the Emperor’s daughter.
‘I cannot allow my daughter to marry such a poor boy,’ said the Emperor when Bald Boy asked to marry the beautiful princess. ‘If you wish to marry my daughter you must first build a palace next to mine so that I know she will be well looked after. But I know that you will not build such a palace with the help of a cat and a dog.’

That night, Bald Boy held the seal under his tongue and wished that he had a palace of his own. Suddenly there was a blinding light in the night sky. And when the light faded, there at the edge of the forest stood a magnificent palace gleaming beneath the light of the full moon! The most magnificent palace the boy had ever seen. And it was his!  
When the Emperor saw that the young boy had indeed built a beautiful palace, he agreed to the marriage at once. And so it was that Bald Boy and the Princess were wed that very same day.
The mother moved in with her son and daughter and lived like a queen in her new home. And the cat and the dog were also very happy in their new life.
The months passed and Bald Boy wished for nothing else as he was so happy with his new wife whom he loved very much. And so he placed the magic seal in a room all of its own and never told the Princess of its magical powers.
But one day, when Bald Boy was out at the marketplace, a crafty old bead seller knocked on the door of the palace and enticed the beautiful Princess to buy some of his beads.
‘They are very fine beads, my Princess, and you would do well to buy them from me.’
‘But I have no coins with which to buy them,’ the Princess replied.
The crafty old bead seller said that he would be willing to trade his wares for something within the palace. ‘I hear that you have a dusty old seal which you keep in a room in the palace; surely that is no use to you. I will take the seal in exchange for all of my beads.’
Because she did not know any better, the Princess handed over the magic seal to the crafty old bead seller who quickly disappeared across the lake towards his home in the dark forest somewhere on the other side.
As soon as the seal was gone, the palace disappeared into thin air and the Princess and the mother were left standing in the cold.
When the Emperor saw that the palace had disappeared, he reclaimed his daughter and promised that she would not be with her new husband if he could not look after her.
When Bald Boy returned home that day he was very sad to find his mother alone, his palace vanished, and his beautiful wife returned to her father. He did not know how to find the magic seal and was sure that his new life was over forever.
The cat stepped up to the boy and said to him: ‘I can find the seal but I cannot swim across the lake.’
Then the dog stepped forward and said to the cat: ‘I can swim across the lake with you on my back and together we will find the magic seal.’
SwimmingAnd so the faithful cat and the faithful dog set off on their journey to recapture the magic seal from the crafty bead seller.
When they reached the river, the cat climbed up onto the dog’s back and the dog swam across to the opposite bank. Once they were across, the cat began sniffing at the air and followed the scent of the bead seller through the forest with the dog close behind.  
It did not take long to find the cottage where the bead seller lived, and they could see through the window that the old man was fast asleep in his chair before the fire.
‘I will catch us a mouse,’ said the cat, ‘while you find us some peppercorns to grind up with your strong paws.’
And so the cat caught a little mouse and told it to sneak into the cottage and take the seal from under the tongue of the crafty bead seller. The dog sprinkled the ground peppercorns onto the mouse’s tail and the little mouse scurried into the cottage and climbed up the bead seller’s leg as he slept soundly by the fire.
When the mouse wiggled his tail, the peppercorn dust went straight up the old man’s nose and caused him to sneeze. It was then that the magic seal flew out into the air and the mouse caught it in his tiny paws!
The little mouse ran from the cottage and returned the magic seal to the cat and the dog who quickly made their way back through the forest towards the river.
Once again the cat climbed up onto the dog’s back and the brave dog swam across the great river. 
And so the faithful cat and the faithful dog returned the seal to their master and the palace reappeared in a blinding flash of light.
Upon seeing the palace returned, the Emperor agreed that his daughter might once more live with Bald Boy. After all, the Emperor could tell that his daughter was very much in love.
Bald Boy decided to throw a huge party to celebrate the return of his beautiful wife. The whole village was invited and so began a feast that lasted for forty days and forty nights.
The mother and the Emperor agreed that there was indeed much that a cat and a dog could do if they were faithful to their master.
Bald Boy smiled because he had learned that friends always help each other when they can, and there is magic in such friendship. Perhaps even more so than in the magic seal.

Democratic Citizenship

A Good Debate Climate 

This is a dialogue activity that discusses what Iben Jensen calls a "cultural fix point". We used a fix point from our country and it includes what should the teacher be aware of ?, some elements from Kalleso's "socratic dialogue". 

Topic: Should we come to school with uniform or not?

Aim: To provide students with their own thoughts after discussion

1. The teacher makes two groups: 

One group thinks that they should come to school with uniform. 
The other group thinks that they should not come to school with casual clothes. 

2. The teacher gives the necessary information to the pupils so that they can have an opinion for beginning.

3. The teacher explains the difference between a discussion and a fight, and the teacher should make sure that it is only thoughts discussing not the individuals.

4. The teacher should make sure that students listen to each other and they all are focused on the same topic.

5. The teacher should ask questions to expand the topic.

6. The teacher should be sure that the discussion is only among students.

7. The teacher should prevent the possible disrespectful expressions.

8. The pupils should formulate their own opinions.

9. The teacher should be in the background.

10. The teacher lets students discuss.

11. The students tells their opinions and listens to each other.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Democratic Citizenship

The Minorities in Turkey 

Sinem, Emine, Bahar and me made a group work on the homework of the democratic citizenship. It is about the point of view of media on minorities in Turkey. 

Here is the Human Rights Joint platforms research which was made by instructors of Communication Faculty about struggle of discrimination. The title of the research is ‘Racism on Media ‘. A great deal of data have been found out that mostly Kurdish, Armenian, Christian and Alevi people who belong to a sect in Islam are the target of the discriminatory discourse. The research focused on the bestseller newspapers contrast to the newspapers that are mostly known as racist. According to research the discrimination is generally found on the columns. In the research, it was determined that 52% of the articles including ethnic-religious and cultural discrimination is found in the columns and comments. It was found that the newspaper called Zaman has published 25 news and 54 columns and comments containing discrimination-racism, which means that columns and comments include much more racism. During the research, for 13 months against all kinds’ emphasis on Turks, Kurdish people have been on news, comments and the columns for 46 times. According to research, Kurdish people have been associated with the terrorism, terrorist; PKK, events of violence in 115 titles and their demand for rights have been ignored.
In the study, according to the analysis of 1616 news and content of articles that have been examined,
The rates of racist-discriminatory news published in the newspapers in Turkey are as the following:

40 % in HÜRRİYET
29 % in ZAMAN
15% in POSTA

On the other hand, these newspapers contain also anti-racist-news. For example;
Hürriyet has published 443 racist news but also has 36 anti-racist news.
Zaman has published 82 anti-racist news.
Posta has published 9 anti-racist news.

Here is the source of the information and you can find more information from the link : 

Here is the link for the homepage of newspapers: