Sunday, December 9, 2012

Democratic Citizenship

A Good Debate Climate 

This is a dialogue activity that discusses what Iben Jensen calls a "cultural fix point". We used a fix point from our country and it includes what should the teacher be aware of ?, some elements from Kalleso's "socratic dialogue". 

Topic: Should we come to school with uniform or not?

Aim: To provide students with their own thoughts after discussion

1. The teacher makes two groups: 

One group thinks that they should come to school with uniform. 
The other group thinks that they should not come to school with casual clothes. 

2. The teacher gives the necessary information to the pupils so that they can have an opinion for beginning.

3. The teacher explains the difference between a discussion and a fight, and the teacher should make sure that it is only thoughts discussing not the individuals.

4. The teacher should make sure that students listen to each other and they all are focused on the same topic.

5. The teacher should ask questions to expand the topic.

6. The teacher should be sure that the discussion is only among students.

7. The teacher should prevent the possible disrespectful expressions.

8. The pupils should formulate their own opinions.

9. The teacher should be in the background.

10. The teacher lets students discuss.

11. The students tells their opinions and listens to each other.


  1. Are the pupils divided in accordance to their own opinions or are they supposed to maybe defend a opinion that they do not share?

    If they are doing the last they are supposed to investigate the reasons for the opinion and try to argument for it. I could be a way of developing empathic competence that is useful in any communication.

    Do you think there are cultural elements at stake when discussing about school uniforms?


  2. The teacher decides the groups and the students supposed to defend an opinion that they do not share to develop empathic competence.By this way they can be aware of the feeling of the empathy and they can understand the people better.

    I think, there is no cultural elements at stake when discussing the school uniforms.
