Sunday, December 2, 2012



We had an Ict-Fair on 21st november. We were so exited since we haven't been in an activity like this before. We set up and orginised our own stand, present our ethnographic studies through the programme that we chose. People visited our stand and we presented our presentation, programme to them. Our programme was Prezi and our ethnographic study was about Christiania. There were two more stand that present prezi except for us in the fair. 

We had a lot of fun with our awesome erasmus friends and it was a lot of fun to present our programme to people. We also visit other stands and got knowledge about different kind of programmes. I have learned new programmes that I would like to use. I have also learned different qualities of the programmes that I have already known. It was both entertaining and instructive.  

This is the link for our presentation, you can watch it through this link.

We also created a handout for the people who were visiting our stand. This is the handout which includes an overview of our programme, has a look in the qualities of it and looks out how to use it effectively in the classroom. 


Prezi is an alternative web tool to boring Powerpoint slides, and it lets you prepare impressive, rich, visual and interesting presentations. You can prepare more effective and attractive presentations than you do with ppt.  The file types that you can use in your presentations are jpg, pdf, video and swf. Prezi needs membership, but you can get into the Prezi world without any payment. You can share your presentations on the web pages and you can use your Prezis without any internet connection by downloading on your computer. This web-based tool allows the user to fly from location to location and to explore the relationship between ideas on the presentation, sometimes with turning elements upside down, sometimes zooming in or out. The theory behind Prezi is that our ideas are not linear, but rather bundles of interconnected concepts that are better captured as a whole with many parts. Prezi allows the user to illustrate the relationship of concepts to one another.

Benefits of Prezi in Education Settings
1.  A lot of movement
2.  Ability to share with a large group
3.  The meeting feature allows multiple users to edit it at the same time
4.  The marker feature allows you to circle and highlight important features
5.  The zoom feature lets you focus in on certain topics
6.  The versatility
7.  Keeps people’s focus longer than PowerPoint
8.  Non Linear slide arrangement
9.  Looks more professional than PowerPoint
10.  Allows endless creativity!                                                                 

Ø  Prezi can be used with either a PC or Macintosh computer. Users need a high-speed Internet
connection, an up-to-date supported web browser and operating system, a minimum of 1 GB
computer memory, a scroll mouse or touchpad, and a recent
version of the Adobe Flash Player program for Prezi to be more effective in a school practice.

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