Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Democratic Citizenship

The Minorities in Turkey 

Sinem, Emine, Bahar and me made a group work on the homework of the democratic citizenship. It is about the point of view of media on minorities in Turkey. 

Here is the Human Rights Joint platforms research which was made by instructors of Communication Faculty about struggle of discrimination. The title of the research is ‘Racism on Media ‘. A great deal of data have been found out that mostly Kurdish, Armenian, Christian and Alevi people who belong to a sect in Islam are the target of the discriminatory discourse. The research focused on the bestseller newspapers contrast to the newspapers that are mostly known as racist. According to research the discrimination is generally found on the columns. In the research, it was determined that 52% of the articles including ethnic-religious and cultural discrimination is found in the columns and comments. It was found that the newspaper called Zaman has published 25 news and 54 columns and comments containing discrimination-racism, which means that columns and comments include much more racism. During the research, for 13 months against all kinds’ emphasis on Turks, Kurdish people have been on news, comments and the columns for 46 times. According to research, Kurdish people have been associated with the terrorism, terrorist; PKK, events of violence in 115 titles and their demand for rights have been ignored.
In the study, according to the analysis of 1616 news and content of articles that have been examined,
The rates of racist-discriminatory news published in the newspapers in Turkey are as the following:

40 % in HÜRRİYET
29 % in ZAMAN
15% in POSTA

On the other hand, these newspapers contain also anti-racist-news. For example;
Hürriyet has published 443 racist news but also has 36 anti-racist news.
Zaman has published 82 anti-racist news.
Posta has published 9 anti-racist news.

Here is the source of the information and you can find more information from the link : 

Here is the link for the homepage of newspapers: 


  1. How do you think that the discourses in the media reflects public opinion in Turkey. Are the columns and comments an indication of the public opinion?

    How do you think it is possible to break the stereotyping? try use the insights in the texts by Vinsonneau (read for November 19th) and Rutter (read for November 26th).


  2. The media forms the public opinion. Columns,comments are not an indication of the public opinion in contrast they are the opinions that media wants to empose on the public.

    According to insights to break the stereotypes, we can use a strong argument or information that can make a sudden change in attitudes.
    The information that goes against has to be repeated.A counter stereotype information can result in a division of the larger stereotype into subgroups.The subjects has to keen to challange and change their stereotypical views.A counter information given by a typical member can lead to more sudden changes in attitudes towards the group.We should focus on what is common for humanity. We should give pupils the possibility to debate moral issues.
